Case Presentations


  • To present and discuss common clinical situations occurring during and after obstetric and gynaecological surgery.
  • To understand the principles of safe management of injury to bowel, bladder, ureter and major vessels.
  • To understand and learn approaches which lead to a reduction in surgical injury.

This is the final session and is held in a Case Study room at the UWA Business School building.

Prior to attendance, all participants are required to submit one case for presentation. This case would usually describe a surgical complication, or a difficult management decision. The presentation is given using Microsoft Power Point with a maximum of four slides. Each case is allocated 15 minutes to include presentation and discussion.

This session is chaired by the facilitators, and is controlled so that the discussion is constructive and non-threatening. During this session the other participants and facilitators are asked to provide ‘micro- summaries’ of the case under consideration. At the end of each presentation and discussion the group is asked to define the ‘learning points’ from the case.

This has proved to be a most popular and valuable session; allowing for integration of all the workshop modules.